Pumpkin day 2016 “the 16th pumpkin day”

Twas the 16th Pumpkin Day of society, Daddy’s 9th Pumpkin Day, Oliver’s 3rd Pumpkin day, and well Nora Kathleen’s 1st.  The day was filled with Pumpkin snacks, activities, and Pumpkin chatter (I’m not sure what that means but I do know there were plenty of pumpkins near by as people had conversational exchanges).

Pumpkin snacks and menu included:  Pumpkin dip and apples, Pumpkin chili, Kale salad with pumpkin vinaigrette, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin cupcakes.  

New editions included Pumpkin tea and Pumpkin coffee and apple cider mimosas.

Pumpkin activities included pumpkin painting with friends and pumpkin bean bag toss.

Oliver thought he could make more friends if he tried to be a pumpkin pirate all day.

Pumpkin dessert was available,

Sometimes I feel this is my daily life.

Nora finds Pumpkin days to be great days.

She is also pretty sure that is why they call him “the great pumpkin.”

Always a thinker that one..

Oliver took an abstract view on pumpkin painting..

It’s hard work to have fun.

Oliver did take that lollipop out of his mouth before adventurous bike riding.


Good night pumpkins great and small….short and tall….tis one of the greatest days of  all…


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