
”Twas the night before Nora turned 18 months that we as a family tackled the bunk bed project.  Oliver, 4yrs old, mom 23 weeks pregnant, dad 33 yrs old and a bedroom ready for an update.  My goal was to give myself until December to start a new bedtime routine.. Oliver takes some time to warm up to change and this way he had plenty of time for the invasion…

“I’ve been waiting my whole life for bunk beds…”ogh

Night 1:

obviously we had helpers…big and small..

Daddy and Oliver and their hard work…

Oliver found himself pumped to sleep on the top bunk-slept through the night quite happily until a 7:30 wake up.

Day 2:

Nora and Oliver practiced their play in the room with the new edition…Nora learned that although all climbs may see fun-ladders to a bunk beds are for big brothers only.


Before bed, Oliver reflected-

“I think tonight I’ll sleep
In Nora’s bunk bed bc
She won’t mind and there’s more shade” OGH

Day 3:

Nora really broke into her bottom big girl bed by bringing her brother’s trusty fire hat.

By mid afternoon we decided to try a nap on for size…

It worked….parade!

twas this night that I got both humans down at 8:05pm in the same room for the first time.  I was thinking I’d put Nora in her crib, but as Oliver climbed his top ladder stair, I turned my head and asked Nora ever so motherly’ “would you like to sleep in your big sister bed with your brother Oliver?”  Instead of putting up a banshee of a fight, Nora rested her head upon my shoulder and was asleep in less than 10 min….  I played John Mayer’s album, “Battle Studies”, closed the door and kissed my small human’s small heads goodnight who’s heads suddenly did not seem so small anymore….

Sweet dreams,


And then Oliver takes on 4…

To my son that surprises me by his daily attempts to outwit me, to my son that brings me an Andes mint whenever he thinks I may
need one (even if I’m in the shower), to my son that makes me scratch my head each day and laugh each day, to my son who’s take on the world and reflections make my heart melt, to my son who’s a natural stand up comedian… to my son that made me a mom… I love you Oliver ! Happy 4th birthday …

Nora Kathleen turns 1

And then it happened … the baby turns one…. the celebration began with homemade cupcakes at home  with neighbors and continued with a few flights to Denver, Colorado and a drive to Estes park for daddy to work and a family visit with uncle Jack, aunt Corey and nana…

Cheers to my independent, fearless, sweet, kiss blowing, spelunking, feisty Nora Kathleen…. one of my most quick and loving years …

such a good hostess…

Brother Oliver really helps in teaching you to share…

Hello February 17, 2017 and Denver Colorado!

First thing in the morning we were park bound…this is were Nora practiced the art in sorting mulch….

Then we opened a few presents…

Then we had a tad of a sad lunch and a little cake…

Nora was very content with the present part and giving her first baby doll kisses from nana…

Hello Afternoon in Estes Park!!! Goldie Locks, I mean Nora…loves a good bed steal…

A mountainous park walk…

Nora enjoyed play time with baby cousin, Ellie Jean (3 months)

Just after wonderful 6 day vacation..we were RVA bound…

There is no place like home….

The first year really does go superhero fast….


A seasonally late Christmas 

”Twas the night before Christmas when we arrived at mom”s house.  We went to mass and partied like it was 1999 at my aunt Mary’s house… and by that I mean hugged cousins, had dinner, and got into our fav Christmas Jammie’s to wait for the big morning ….

Oliver’s voice sang like a jingle jingle when he asked if Santa had come? After a brief discussion and reflection targeting Santa’s entry and visual concepts..( Yes, people rarely see santa because he is just so magical and he prefers chimneys but can also come in front doors if necessary and we all hope he  liked his cookies he left in Richmond, VA,), Oliver was  officially ready to climb up the stairs to glance under the Christmas tree…

Nora, not missing a beat (but temporarily confused by our lengthy discussion and stay in the bedroom) .. made sure she climbed up both flights of stairs herself with howls of what I can only imagine a Christmas banshee may sound like ….for she was to celebrate her very  first Christmas…

Our Christmas Eve pants were on..

It’s hard to tell what Oliver was more sad about….mass being over or the buttoning of his pea coat…

If only she knew….

Enter Christmas Morning….

The concept of being crowded disappears each Christmas morning and returns each Christmas midday…

Clothes! Parade!

Nora had no idea what to do with any of those…

Now this she knew….

That time Christmas morning when all is peaceful and quiet after all the presents have been opened (except for that battery operated car ..)

Enter Cousins…


Christmas Eve dinner…

Just a day after Christmas…they still like each other…

Uncles give the neatest presents….

A departing face from Chicagoland and Richmond bound…

Santa even made it to the Harms house….

If only she knew….


Seriously, uncles give the greatest gifts..

Twas a pretty grand Christmas…


And with a blink of an eye it was New Year’s Day…

Nora believes there is no wrong dress to cut the driveway in…

The annual surf and turf dinner…

And with that 2016 had come to a close… a year of loss and a year of gain….now we enter the year of 2017…



Christmas tree hunt 2016

‘Twas Nora’s first hunt and ollie”s 4th….. may the season of Advent officially begin (technically 3 weeks ago)…


What is a good hunt without a good cup of hot chocolate….

And also an inflatable snowman…

This one thought we should bring every tree home….#bigheart

This one thought this tree was perfect and also a lasso…#differentkindofbigheart

The annual Christmas tree hunt dance.

By this point Nora thought we were picking out a plane for Christmas…

Christmas tree farms provide the perfect opportunities to catch bad guys.  #wedonthavetimeforthenotjolly

We even received gifts we just did not understand.

This includes the small one.

Ready set for the new Christmas tree’s chapter.

Important to reflect after a hard hours work.

The explorer was on the march to find new things about…

We both love and are skeptical of new things in the house..

My husband is a good reacher…

Someone was just so careful to hang all his ornaments on every light wire…

very careful…

nearly a branch there…

The day was magically grand.

Trees provide opportunities for squirmy hugs…

And different motives..

reflective thoughts..

And new textures to try to eat…

Nora found Christmas tree day to be the perfect day to really test her limits and determination..

Oliver found it an opportunity to reach for the star…



Happy Advent to all and to all a good night/afternoon/or morning…..whenever you may or may not read this..

Much love,


The Threenager year

Oliver Gerard Harms.

At just 3.5 years old Oliver has fulfilled our adventures with laughs, meltdowns, joy, and above all, love.  Oliver took turning 3 as turning into a real boy-straight up Pinocchio style, but also quite different.  I often find myself torn between amazement and asking all clocks to just stop.  Here are just a few of my favorite phrases gathered in last 6 months:


Oliver has a clear and yet unique concept of Time:

“I did this running all day”

“we only do that yesterday”

“Remember when it was Christmas  just yesterday?” (we are currently in the month of December)

“I can’t wait for Halloween tomorrow. I have been waiting all my life” (we are still in the current month of December)

“”we need to get to the store right away..It just might close!”

“I just need my walkie coffee (walkie talkie) right away before anyone gets it next time”

“why are you always in such a rush mommy?”

“what time is it? (checks watch) Oh, it’s 14 dollars.”

“Daddy, let me measure you..yup just as I thought..you’re 5 dollars tall”


Oliver is a patroller by morning and through evening..sometimes and if we are really lucky… throughout the midnight hours..

Lifts  a “phone” to ear, “Sergent 111, we have an emergency and yes I’ll be there right away..we need back up..overnout”

“Have you seen horrible bad guys? I like to take care of my customers.”

“No one goes in the street on my watch!”

Oliver takes patrolling so seriously, he is quite willing to tell on himself:

“Mommy..I have some truth to tell you..I took half a bat Halloween cookie and held it by my side and ate it downstairs..annnd I left crumbs”

At 3, we even have our hard days,

“I will be talking to myself since you are not nice today.”

“I just can not remember my nice word, please, so instead I will say plea”

“Today i just can not remember any of my nice words so I will probably be in time out.”

“I think I am having a bit of a rough day, but I know we will get through it”


Oliver has been taking it to the next level in pretend play:

We spend many of our days doing house tours, hospital tours, and fire truck tours.  Oliver is the tour guide and often has a patrol team or kids behind him….its difficult for me to set the table with some many  extra “visitors.”

When Oliver is Dr. Oliver for the day, one of his favorite tasks is to check the “glub pressure.”

I overheard the guide mention one sunny afternoon, “and here we keep our luggage and leg breakers (but we are very very gentle) we are ambulance number 5 because we always take care of 5 emergencies.”

“Hey sun?! Can you dry this puddle for me? And also don’t forget to play with your friends in the rain and cloud..and include the planets like earth, mars, and jupiter! Thanks! Overnout” #justgettinginthecarforgroceries

~Some days are difficult to keep up with Oliver’s many needs:

“I need you to talk normally”

“I need you to use your real English”

“I need you to relax mom, I can totally handle this”

“I need everything on the right and everything on the left.” (points in opposite directions)

” I need everyone in the world to be happy.”


~Some of my favorite days are the rational yet reflective days  (most of these come out 15 min after bed time):

“You know libraries are libraries because they are just so quiet inside”

“What is difference between characters and figures?”

“Houses need people and friends.”

“Wolves sleep in the night time and awake in the day time”

“Boys are always sometimes silly”

“Please..how hard can it be? Easy Peasy.”

“Where are you going mommy? (I replied that I was going to vote for the president of the United States of America) “but you don’t need to vote, Captain America takes care of America.” #2016election

“Is this a hexagon or an octagon?”

“you know I just love being regular size Oliver”

“I can’t chose to use English right now because it is just too loud”

“I think Nora is cranky because she’s got cavities in her teeth and that means holes and we should all go to the dentist”  #reflectionsbeforemass

“The smell of your pasta is really exhausting.”  (night 3 of 5 with Daddy traveling)
“why do all the parents go downstairs when the little boys are trying to sleep?”

~And sometimes we are just a heartmelter:

“you know I just love my Grandpa because he has a mustache like my daddy has a mustache” (told in the summer after Grandpa had passed in January)

“This is my baby sister, Nora, I protect my sister.”

“Mommy, you are just the best.”

“My Grandma is the best because she lives in Chicago, Richmond.”

“Sometimes I get sad because I just miss and love my daddy.”

“I love my Nana because she loves fire trucks”.

“Mommy-you just pick out the best snacks in the whole world from the grocery store.” (after receiving an apple)

“Of course I remember Grandpa, because I love him.”

“I have lots of freckles on my face like you mommy-they probably came from the stars.”

“I’ve just been waiting my whole life for this.” (in reference to almost any daily activity).



There is no other oldest son I’d rather take on my adventures with..keeps me on my toes, my heels and probably my elbows if he could….Love this little human..


With a grand hug and an emotional smile,



Pumpkin day 2016 “the 16th pumpkin day”

Twas the 16th Pumpkin Day of society, Daddy’s 9th Pumpkin Day, Oliver’s 3rd Pumpkin day, and well Nora Kathleen’s 1st.  The day was filled with Pumpkin snacks, activities, and Pumpkin chatter (I’m not sure what that means but I do know there were plenty of pumpkins near by as people had conversational exchanges).

Pumpkin snacks and menu included:  Pumpkin dip and apples, Pumpkin chili, Kale salad with pumpkin vinaigrette, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin cupcakes.  

New editions included Pumpkin tea and Pumpkin coffee and apple cider mimosas.

Pumpkin activities included pumpkin painting with friends and pumpkin bean bag toss.

Oliver thought he could make more friends if he tried to be a pumpkin pirate all day.

Pumpkin dessert was available,

Sometimes I feel this is my daily life.

Nora finds Pumpkin days to be great days.

She is also pretty sure that is why they call him “the great pumpkin.”

Always a thinker that one..

Oliver took an abstract view on pumpkin painting..

It’s hard work to have fun.

Oliver did take that lollipop out of his mouth before adventurous bike riding.


Good night pumpkins great and small….short and tall….tis one of the greatest days of  all…


Traveling with two small humans… 

And there we were as a family…Oliver flight number 64 something and Nora…flight number 3…..  Airport travel can be adventurous for one..so we decided today we shall capture some of our highlights as a family….

  1.  Running to gates is occasionally necessary but also just plain fun…
  2. If you feel content in the number of “special and additional carry ons” , I recommend a small tiny plastic watch from the dollar store that falls off every 22-43 min….
  3. The airport is a great place for the 3 year old to pretend he is a TSA agent…because everyone loves a good TSA agent…
  4. The small ones are always most thankful for whatever big brother brings…
  5. Sometimes certain refreshments are necessary…
  6. Still playing that one…
  7. The small humans tend to have heart melting qualities..

8.  And just when you thought that heart had melted, big brother’s say things like “Don’t worry baby sister, nora…I will protect you.” OGH



9.  Yup..heart soup.

10.  7 monthers make great snuggle partners until they are ready for a new location in 3 min…..

11.  No matter how sleepy we get..this one just does not want to miss a beat…

12.  Destination Houston arrived.

back to RVA we go.


stay safe and travel often our there,

Harms team out

Fire station number 9

It began..

With an episode of Fire Man Sam, a family read of our favorite fireman book, and  a night of sleep with both fire hat and backpack nearby in case there were any nightly emergencies to take care of…

By morning we were ready to make chocolate chip cookies for our favorite fire station….

Backpack on and ready..

With cookies one hand and a note in the other … It was like Christmas but warm and in September  and at a …fire station.

Ollie spends each morning before breakfast  sliding down his pole aka our stair railing …. My guess is that this dangerous habit is not going to  end anytime soon ….

Thank you Chesterfield Fire Department number 9 for all your hard work in keeping us safe … “And for your tools” OGH

Top questions included but are not limited to, “is that your radio? and with a signal can you call my radio?” “Do you keep a computer in your truck like police cars to catch bad guys?” ” where do you sleep?” “Do you use your ladder to save people from trees and how do you get on the ladder?” “Do you protect people, I protect my sister Nora” OGH

Stay safe,

Ollie and Meg