Traveling with two small humans… 

And there we were as a family…Oliver flight number 64 something and Nora…flight number 3…..  Airport travel can be adventurous for we decided today we shall capture some of our highlights as a family….

  1.  Running to gates is occasionally necessary but also just plain fun…
  2. If you feel content in the number of “special and additional carry ons” , I recommend a small tiny plastic watch from the dollar store that falls off every 22-43 min….
  3. The airport is a great place for the 3 year old to pretend he is a TSA agent…because everyone loves a good TSA agent…
  4. The small ones are always most thankful for whatever big brother brings…
  5. Sometimes certain refreshments are necessary…
  6. Still playing that one…
  7. The small humans tend to have heart melting qualities..

8.  And just when you thought that heart had melted, big brother’s say things like “Don’t worry baby sister, nora…I will protect you.” OGH



9.  Yup..heart soup.

10.  7 monthers make great snuggle partners until they are ready for a new location in 3 min…..

11.  No matter how sleepy we get..this one just does not want to miss a beat…

12.  Destination Houston arrived.

back to RVA we go.


stay safe and travel often our there,

Harms team out

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